Sunday 28 February 2010

Some Facts about Omega-3 fatty acids

EFA or essential fatty acids are needed by our body, but are not produced internally, we need to address explicitly in our diet. You will be surprised to know that 90% of the population in the United States in omega-3 EFA deficiency, but significant high percentage of omega-6 (another essential fatty acids). Before our discussion only on omega 3, it should be noted that the ideal ratio of omega 6 and omega-3 is 2:1, but because of the food we eat every day, this figure is as high as 20:1!. To makeMost of us in this wonderful little EFA.

Types of omega-3 fatty acids:
There are 3 types of omega-3 fatty acids - alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA of all three is very important. 40% of the brain is DHA! This explains very well their meaning. ALA, although it can be converted into EPA and DHA, but this process will not be very complex and inefficient results. This means you must be rich in DHADiet.

Food sources:
ALA is found in plant sources like flaxseed, walnuts, porcelain, green vegetables, etc. The fish such as salmon, tuna, halibut, and are rich in both EPA and DHA. But because of increasing pollution in sea water, they took the fish are also full of contamination. Therefore, in order to avoid negative effects of poisons and chemicals, not refined fish oil supplements are the best source of increasing omega-3 levels in the blood causedFlow.

Omega-3 fatty acids offer enormous benefits for the life of a healthy life and Ail free. We know that means a reduced performance for the neurological signs of ADHD, ADD, bipolar disorder, autism, dyslexia, mood swings and reduces anxiety frequent seizures.

Regular consumption of these fats protect the heart from heart attacks and strokes built by blocking the plate on the wall of the arteries to maintain the reduction of cholesterol and blood glucose, blood pressureCheck.

Higher omega-3 in reducing inflammation and pain, therefore, useful in cases of arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), psoriasis, etc. They are known to prevent breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.

A word of caution, as these benefits can be used if the award is taking is effective. A product of low quality can do more harm than good.

To learn more about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and howSelect complete visit my website effective high DHA omega-3-letter.

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Friday 26 February 2010

Bodybuilder protein requirements

The first thing that every bodybuilder needs to know how important it is enough protein in your diet everyday. Although many proteins can be ingested in the form of whole foods, bodybuilders typically a combination of beef, foul (chicken, turkey), fish and protein supplements in powder or liquid form.

Additional increase in the popularity of protein for many reasons. Let's look at a typical bodybuilder 200 pounds. Our bodybuilder 1-1.5 g must consume high quality protein per kilogram of body weight per day. This means that should average 250 grams of protein a day. This protein intake should be divided into 5 or 6 meals throughout the day are consumed. Six meals a day, our bodybuilder needs to consume on average about 40 grams of protein at every meal.

Let's take a look at the protein content of some common foods bodybuilding

8 ounces various steaks: 45g> Protein, 10g fat

6 ounces chicken breast: 40g protein, 2 g fat

6 ounces Turkey breast: 30g protein, 1g fat

8 ounces pork chop: 30g protein, 6g fat

4 oz hamburger (90%): 15 g protein, 10g fat

1 can of light tuna pieces (6.25 oz): 40 g protein, 1g fat

1 / 2 cup of cottage cheese: 12g protein, 2 g fat

1 large egg: 6 g protein, fat 3G

With a combination of good foods You can easily meet your requirements for 3 or 4 of 6 meals a day. However, you can imagine how much time to prepare and eat six meals a day with these foods much, not to mention expensive!

This is why an extra protein comes into play. We offer a fast, convenient and relatively inexpensive way for these additional protein, add 2 or 3 servings a day. As an added bonus, the better the flavor of protein powder, excellent!Supplements Powder> Protein is available in many different types, recipes and flavors.

Protein consists of amino acids that are the real elements of building muscle. There are 22 amino acids, some of which may make the body with its own power, and some that should be included in the diet. The combination of individual amino acids into a source of protein and amino acid profile. Each type of protein has a different profile of amino acids. For this reason,It is better to eat a variety of protein sources and integrated using a variety of protein powder. The most popular types of protein powders are whey, casein, eggs and soybeans.

Whey protein is by far the most popular and most widely used protein supplement. Whey protein is cheaper per gram of protein than most other types of proteins. Whey protein is absorbed quickly byDigestive system and reaches the muscles quickly. Whey Protein is best used as the first meal of the day, because your body does not have any protein for many hours during the night and you want it immediately in the blood. Whey proteins Use milk immediately after training, because this is the most important time to absorb a large amount of protein and you want your muscles as quickly as possible preserved.

Casein proteinis a bit 'more expensive than whey protein is absorbed much more slowly. This fact makes casein protein the supplement of choice right before bedtime. A generous serving of casein protein can provide your muscles with a steady supply of protein for 5 to 6 hours to 1 or 2 hours for the antagonism of whey protein. Casein protein is also an excellent choice if you think that may take some time before your Next ProteinServe.

Protein from the eggs is not as popular as whey or casein, mainly because of its cost. However, it is an excellent addition with a high BV (Biological Value is used to specify the amount of protein is actually used by the body) and excellent amino acid profile. I like the yolk protein I add my whey and casein shakes for variety, or occasionally as a substitute.

Soy protein comes from soybeans, while popularVegetarians, is slightly lower than that of whey, egg protein and casein. Even if this is true based on its incomplete amino acid profile, is still a great way to add variety to your protein intake, and supplement as a supplement to your diet for a total recommended.

Protein supplements are by far the most popular supplement in the bodybuilding world. I propose to buy a brand you can receive a quality product. If you're new,Bodybuilding and supplement some of the best-selling brand of quality are BSN, MuscleTech, Optimum Nutrition, Twinlab, Cytosport, EAS, and the list goes on. I recommend trying different brands and flavors until you find a way to find really. I sometimes change the brand, for a change and maybe, if we make a good sale!

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Wednesday 24 February 2010

What to eat after exercise

You know when you should exercise on an empty stomach, and you know what to eat before training, and time of your snack preworkout. Well, find something to eat after the workout.

Eating snacks right after the training session is very important for your fitness. It helps the body to build muscle, improve burn calories, and prevent muscle catabolism (muscle of the body with energy).

Post workout nutrition is the key, because after a workout, your muscles are soreand all the glycogen in the muscles completely exhausted. Your muscles are in a recovery mode, and you have to do is give them the right diet to repair damaged muscles and continue to build muscle more.

What should you eat after training? Your post-workout snack should be low in fat, protein and carbohydrates have a ratio of 2:1. This snack needs a higher content of carbohydrates as glycogen stores your muscles' are exhausted and repair themProvide them with the nutrients the body needs in fast dissolving carbohydrates. So, this is the time that you want simple carbs (carbohydrates with high glycemic index) food. Yes, it's the only time that sugar is actually good for your body. Protein should preferably whey protein, since it is rapidly absorbed by your body.

When you need to eat a snack after the workout? Your post training snack should be consumed within 30 minutes after yourTraining. This window of time is the period during which you absorb your muscles primed with food.

Because if your post-workout meal, low in fat? Being is low in fat helps the body to bring food faster. If your post-workout snack high in fat, slows digestion and absorption so that in your body. Furthermore, some studies have shown that post-workout snacks high in fat blunt the production of growth hormones in the body.

What's in a post-workout essentialSnack? For this snack, high loading rate of absorption of nutrients is the key. If your snack is a liquid, the better. An ideal workout-shake is low-fat chocolate milk. Or a protein shake whey with honey or other simple carbohydrates. Another simple meal is low fat yogurt with granola and yogurt is a combination of whey protein (fast-absorbing protein) and casein (slow absorption of protein), and the muesli is rapidly absorbed carbohydrates. ThisHave time, you can also pop in a multivitamin with refreshments. Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients that help to perform the functions of the body and help in building muscle.

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Sunday 21 February 2010

PRO-NOS Fat burning Protein - Increases Nitric Oxide Levels By 950% - 1lb Chocolate 42g Protein

  • GET HUGE - Increases Mass-Building Amino Delivery
  • GET PUMPED - Amplifies Nitric Oxide Levels by 950%*
  • GET RIPPED - Reduces Trunk (belly) Fat by 4.30%*

Available at Amazon Buy this product!

PRO-NOS Fat burning Protein - Increases Nitric Oxide Levels By 950% - 1lb Chocolate 42g Protein

   Brand: MRI

   Customer Rating :

   Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

PRO-NOS Fat burning Protein - Increases Nitric Oxide Levels By 950% - 1lb Chocolate 42g Protein Overviews

Contains: ACTINOSTM NO_Amplifying Whey Isolate VAT-BurnTM Fat Reducing Whey Isolate Clinically Tested - U.S. Patent Pending Ed Byrd's Revolutionary New Whey! The Physique-Altering Power of Peptide "Multi-Fractionation" Pro-Nos is the biggest breakthrough in protein supplementation in over 20 years. It gives you the power to gain muscle and strip off fat faster than ever before. Without added ingredients. Just protein. Here's how: WHAT MAKES Pro-NOS DIFFERENT? The stunning new technology is known as peptide "multi-fractionation." Unlike today's whey proteins that use peptide chains in their "randomly occurring" length, MRI has isolated the specific "interval" (length) within the peptide chains that holds all the concentrated power to change your body composition! You get two powerful physique-altering chain-length specific peptides in new Pro-NOS: ACTINOSTM increases nitric oxide by 950%. VAT-BurnTM strips of belly fat by 4.30%* BUILD MUSCLE AND STRIP OFF FAT - AT THE SAME TIME - WITH FRACTIONATED WHEY! Chest. Arms. Abs. With Pro-NOS, you get it all. The patent-pending NO-generating whey peptide fraction (ACTINOSTM) amplifies nitric oxide levels by up to 950%. Without arginine or "added ingredients." Just fractionated whey protein. Your muscles feel bigger and thicker within days. At the same time, the whey peptide fraction that breaks down fat (VAT-BurnTM) begins chiseling and sculpting your abs like never before.* Pro-NOS IS IDEAL TO TAKE WITH ALL NO-GENERATORS! Pro-NOS is designed to work synergistically with all nitric oxide products. You see, NO generators provide your body with arginine - the building block of NO. Pro-NOS makes sure you've got enough NOS enzymes. But it's the NOS enzymes that convert the arginine into nitric oxide. Finally, NOS is no-longer the rate-limiting factor in NO production!*

PRO-NOS Fat burning Protein - Increases Nitric Oxide Levels By 950% - 1lb Chocolate 42g Protein CustomerReview

it is a very good tasting shake ( dutch chocolate), the only issue is if u use it as it states (2 scoops per serving) u get only 6 servings per bag( bag says so also) but for the current price (around 10 bucks each) it is a very good protein source. u get 42g of protein per shake with 290 calories without the milk ones, i use low fat milk
it also has some other components like the NOS and VAT-burn that aids in muscle repair and burn fat, but u can find more info at their webpage.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Feb 22, 2010 09:11:51

Available at Amazon Buy this product!

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Friday 19 February 2010

Build Muscle - Building the perfect post-workout protein shake to build muscle

Immediately after the training, you should be here in a post-workout protein shake when trying to optimize the ability to build muscle too.

Without power immediately after the muscles you've worked on it, you are essentially depriving the breakdown of the nutrients that are normally used to build again after just during the workout.

When these nutrients are not there, you can not build new muscle tissue almost as effective as it couldbe.

That is, not all after the workout protein shakes are created equal. Here's what you need to sell in order to build muscle as quickly as possible should.

Isolate protein powder

Isolate protein powder is a form that is more rapidly digested in the body and as such are in these tissues that need it now.

Make sure that for this specific type, if your purchase will be, since protein powderand not always a whey generic.

Target in about 20-30 grams of protein to take before and after training. About an hour later, he wants in this follow-up, with another dose of 20-30 grams of protein in the form of solid food.


The next step, you need to get your body the energy it takes to repair the muscles and provide build new muscle tissue. This is fast-acting carbohydrates.

Ideally, itwant the carbohydrates in your post-workout shake to increase levels of insulin, so that immediately removed from the blood and head into the muscle cells.

Dextrose is the choice of many here, because they shake easily mixed right. If you have another source of carbohydrates, one who wants to act a bit 'slower with it, I propose also mixed in some oats first.

The structure may take some time to use, in order, but this is an excellent source of energy forYour body.

Try to eat at least 5 grams of carbohydrates for every two sets of lift can be done. Ideally, you want to bring in more than this, but taking it is like asking for muscle growth.


Shake the final component in the post-workout should be glutamine. Glutamine is an essential amino acid that the body will help with the recovery process so that you do not need to rest for so long before returning to the gym and do something else to spendSession.

While there is always one glutamine from the food we eat, is always a good idea to prepare this with between one and five grams of glutamine supplement added, are completely safe and just make sure to exploit.

So next time you finish a workout, make sure post-workout protein shake all these components.

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Wednesday 17 February 2010

DESIGNER WHEY The Biggest Loser Protein Powder Supplement, Vanilla Bean, 10-Ounce Canister

  • Vanilla Bean
  • All Natural Ingredients

Available at Amazon Buy this product!

DESIGNER WHEY The Biggest Loser Protein Powder Supplement, Vanilla Bean, 10-Ounce Canister

   Brand: Designer Whey

   Customer Rating :

   Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

DESIGNER WHEY The Biggest Loser Protein Powder Supplement, Vanilla Bean, 10-Ounce Canister Overviews

Designer Whey's The Biggest Loser Protein contain 8grams of Whey Protein Isolate per serving with 6grams of Prebiotc fiber to help curb hunger. Low in calories with only 40 caloreis per serving and 0grams of fat! Calcium has been addded for to aid in fat loss and bone health

DESIGNER WHEY The Biggest Loser Protein Powder Supplement, Vanilla Bean, 10-Ounce Canister RelateItems

DESIGNER WHEY The Biggest Loser Protein Powder Supplement, Vanilla Bean, 10-Ounce Canister CustomerReview

I'm a big smoothie fan and feel I can get a whole meal in a glass, but for enough protein. I've tried various protein powders, but find the taste of most off-putting. Sometimes, they have thickening agents that make the resulting blended shake too thick and pudding-ish or change the taste of the fruits and vegetables in a way I don't appreciate. I was delighted to find this product didn't affect the taste of my smoothie or the consistency except in a good way, and mildly so. Consider that I'd added broccoli to a smoothie (and a bit too much) so I wasn't crazy about the result. Then I added a scoop of this and reblended it. I was pleasantly surprised that the new version was much more appealing.

Also, there are 6 grams of fiber per scoop. I am happy to say that this addition hasn't caused any intestinal distress as other added fiber products have. All in all, I'm very pleased with this product and will use it regularly.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Feb 18, 2010 06:06:16

Available at Amazon Buy this product!

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Tuesday 16 February 2010

Curcumin, Arjuna, and Pushkarmoola for Herbal Heart Care

Although curcumin is perhaps the most famous product of modern Ayurvedic natural origin, is not so widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for the heart, like Arjuna and pushkarmoola.

Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna bark of the plant) is a tonic "heart" of a paste (arjunaghrtam), a powder (arjunatvak), a tonic that combines the grass and water (arjunatvagadi) or a "wine" (pardhadyaristam) completed fermentation of the plant with the bark of grape juice. Is the laboratory researchA statement that the destruction of heart muscle when the movement reduces the protection, and has at least one clinical study, the herb has been found useful in the treatment of left ventricular hypertrophy.

The dosage depends on the preparation and is best prepared by a herbalist familiar with both herbs in general and the specific product made of herbs. You should tell your doctor, do not plan to take Arjuna, if you have any prescription drugs for heart failure, atrial fibrillationCardiac arrhythmia or angina pectoris.

Pushkarmoola or pushkarmool (Inula racemosa) is an herb found in Kashmir. He has published a study of nearly twenty years in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology suggests that this plant is probably a natural beta-blockers, even if their effects are largely confined to the heart. (Some of the older beta-blockers on the lungs and can aggravate asthma.)

The herb is also used for the treatment of angina pectoris, and is usually combined with other Indian spices, guggul (better knownReduce high cholesterol). Pushkarmoola the dosage is also product and method of production, and you should let your doctor know that you are taking, if the grass on any prescription medications.

Why is curcumin (or turmeric) with these two herbs, or these two substances most guggul? From the pharmacological point of view, adds value to the treatment with curcumin and pushkarmoola Arjuna lowering cholesterol and reducing inflammation of the arteries. The three substances together arebetter to support heart health. Just be sure to work with your health care provider not against them, and to inform the doctor of your choice of natural products so that your recipes are adapted accordingly.

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Friday 12 February 2010

Vermont Natural Coatings -

Andrew from Vermont Natural Coatings', says Ricky Finish polywhey, a natural wood finish. Whey protein is used, the binder to the surface. polywhey possible for the furniture, the floors are used, and surfaces. It is easy to apply. One advantage it has is that a low VOC content. This is a professional finish and durable. Vermont Natural Coating receive the Top Ten Green Product Award 2008 in Boston's Green Build.

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Thursday 11 February 2010

Photos flexion, 24 years

January update. Check out my new pictures from January, which is two weeks after I started, whey protein and having increased my training. Soon place my diet and exercise information on my site ...

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Wednesday 10 February 2010

Compare Optimum Nutrition, Cytosport, BSN, Gaspari, RM, Inner Armor, VPX, AST protein products - U.S. customers - Australian customers wondering what to protein is right for you? Check the finder bodysupps protein at HTTP for a complete list of products of protein-protein, carbohydrates and calories ordered.

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Tuesday 9 February 2010

How To Use Whey Protein Supplements

Supplements, whey protein is safe and casually used by people for an additional method of antioxidant intake to bodybuilders, with a conscious effort to weight gain. Whey is best know for its ability to support the building of mass muscle. Increased muscle mass also produces weight gain as muscle weighs from fat. Builders are working very hard to gain back that extra weight in a broken body.

The weight obtained from whey> Integration of protein should be administered in combination with a training program with a ruffled formatted protein diet. Following a routine training on a regular basis, the increase in muscle mass can produce impressive results. You need to stick with exercise and training routine for weight gain can also severe in places that are not, do not stop. Stay driven and drink whey protein bar and pay.

Because supplements whey proteinmay be adverse effects if handled correctly by a good diet and exercise program, you should inquire about your high protein diet of whey. Bodybuilding trainers and diet experts able to answer whether a protein diet is right for you. Remember, most brand-name manufacturers' websites. I usually do not e-mail response to the question about their products.

Note: Please consult a doctor before healthdiet.

To determine the possible results of supplements, whey protein, you should visit a local gym. Speak with the manager and find a few regulars who give a full program of training. Without being personal, you can ask the consumption of supplements, protein whey. You will notice that many of the whey protein usually in combination with a training plan to gain weight eardrum and ripped muscle mass. remaining devoted toThe program is usually the answer, as is positive.

Devotion to the routine and the increases will remain at the top of success. Anaerobic workouts are used to sculpt abdominals, pectorals, triceps and deltoid. Remember, you do not receive the body of the Hulk protein whey long and talk about circuit training. You need to stay devoted to the training program and diet rich in protein.

Was not aA search for the right training program and protein diet for you. Determine what you and your goal is to time. Set a schedule and stick to it. Delivery is the name of the game. Returning from work, no matter what is added by l '.

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Friday 5 February 2010

Organic Whey Protein Powder

Organic Whey Protein Powder provides a number of different health care services, including assistance in the production of muscle mass. Without protein, you can age in a time of change in the gym and try harder to muscle, but is not ready just because you can not grow muscle without protein.

Bio-protein powder was found to be good for weight reduction, reduction of fat in particular.

Besides contributes to the smooth functioning of the brain, and strengthens the immune system by increasing the critical levels of glutathione. E 'was also in the prevention and life extension studies of these disorders and diseases such as cancer and AIDS and analyzed, which will multiply to help T-cell and waste tissue decline in illness, satisfaction and speed of recovery rule.

The protein is now known to be truly bioavailable> Proteins in the market appropriately is a success. This will be an organic whey protein is simply absorbed, easy to use, the protein that provides more protein per serving.

Organic whey protein, although it is obviously fantastic, healthy for you, like many other products, there is a limit to what you have to meet you. It depends on what your goals, your protein intake will be from all otherseveral. How, for example, weight lifters, athletes who will be a tendency to rely on whey protein are employed, usually about 150 grams or more a day consume around his body. But if you get a smaller person or just an exercise reasonable results, then you should reduce this amount to be taken seriously. It is generally recommended to take about a gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. Discuss your diet and health plans with yourDoctor is very important to your overall expenditure on health services, as they would be able to keep an eye down and make sure to call the best possible arrangements for their own health. He would like to point out that because you are including whey protein in the diet, which does not mean that you go at once to be in shape - is still practicing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

One thing you have to do is ensure that the combined use ofthe protein with a daily exercise as well. Although the protein is decent on your work to get the maximum benefit from what you have to do exercises that help to burn them to drive faster in the right way, such as jogging or cycling.

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Wednesday 3 February 2010

The Best Tasting entire Natural Whey Protein Powder

Find whey proteins, without artificial colors or sweeteners! , Reviews on best tasting whey protein

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